Do You Really Need Micro-Frontends!!

Renjith P
4 min readOct 13, 2024

My journey to Micro-Frontend application development

Photo by Per Lööv on Unsplash

I am very familiar with this term Micro-Frontends since mid of 2020.

At first I thought of title this article as “My Journey to Micro-Frontends” and later I changed to “Do You Really Need Micro-Frontends!!” as I believe this must be first question every FE application developer must think once you get to know more about this new way of working.

No wonder, I would have asked this question a 1000 times before I convincing my customer manager about this plan.

This could be a series of articles, where this one mainly focus on the brain storming process I went through to convince myself first. The second part mostly cover the technicality if you are planning to migrate your existing monolithic application to MiFe.

Micro frontends are an architectural design approach to frontend web development. The frontend app is decomposed into self-contained modules or features that are loosely connected and semi-independent. They can be owned by different frontend teams and deployed separately from other features.

